Hawks Club is an optional program offered to students of Colleton Prep for grades K5-8th.
Students will be combined with students from other grades during Hawks Club.
Any student left at school after 2:45 will be sent to the Hawks Club After School Program and the charges will be added to your account.
Mrs. Sandy Dennis will be supervising the program this year. Hours of operation are from 2:30 to 5:30 daily. Students can bring a snack and drink from home.
The first hour will be used for supervised homework and indoor play. The remainder of the day will be spent on the playground or with indoor playtime if it is raining.
• Rates:
$5 a day if picked up by 3:30
$10 a day if picked up after 3:30
• Late Fee:
$10 per day after 5:30 [strictly enforced]
Aftercare will not be provided on days when students have no school.
Payment can be paid weekly or monthly to Colleton Prep.
Payments must be current for students to attend the program.